How to pick the perfect shower installation


In case you haven’t noticed, showers are becoming more and more popular. It’s almost all you see on home improvement shows, especially in two bathroom homes or in the master bath – a shower installation take the place of where a bathtub used to be. Even smaller homes and condos are going with the shower installation. After all, the occupants are most likely going to be a single person or a couple with no kids, so they’ll be more interested in a luxury updated shower than a bathtub.

So why is the shower gaining popularity? Part of it has to do with space. Dual sinks are becoming the norm for master baths. But where is that space coming from? Well, that’s one of the benefits of sacrificing the tub for a new shower installation. The shower installation is going to take up less space freeing up room for other improvements.

Another reason is the growing age of occupants. More people are looking to “age in place” which means they need conveniences that will help them stay in their homes longer. For them, a shower is much safer than a tub.

People have been taking fewer and fewer baths for a while. In the ’90s, Jacuzzis were the rage and thought of as the ultimate home bath indulgence. But now people are interested in saving water. Also, a shower with a custom bench, waterfall shower head, and upgraded tile can offer a “wow” factor and be called a “spa shower experience”.

If you’re interested in a shower installation, either a conversion or a redo, call us today. We know you’ve been looking through different ideas and it’s time to get them done. We love redoing bathrooms for our customers, and we’ve got great references and prices. Call for your free estimate today.

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